Sunday, December 14, 2008


One day this crazy psycho, named Ed, died and went down to the Underworld. While he was there, he started building a crazy monster that had a head of a snake, many legs, and a slimy green tail.
When it was finished, the thing terrorized the whole Underworld. Souls hated it there and started leaving. The monster also started stealing Hades's money and was scraping up the floor. Hades finally had to something.

The next day Hades went up to Mount Olympus and told Zeus what was happening.
"Zeus," he exclaimed, "This monster is ruining the Underworld." "People are not coming any more and are just lying there dead."

"Oh my gosh," said Zeus. "We have to do something."

"Yeah," said Hades, "That's what I was thinking."

"Hades," Zeus said calmly. "I think I know what to do," "It will be difficult but what we have to do it."

"Oh no not that," shrieked Hades.

"I'm sorry but it looks like we have to unleash THE CAT!" Zeus said in fear.

The Cat was a mutant kitty that had been created in an experiment. The experiment was made to try to make a goldfish but for some reason it made a cat. It was 5 billion times the size of a normal cat and it had 3 tails. The Cat was very cute and colorful, but had razor sharp claws. It attacked only the evil and needed large amounts of lasagna to survive. Since there is not enough lasagna in the world, The cat makes its own inside its body.
"But Zeus," said Hades, "how are we going to fit it down there. It's so huge."

"Where there's a will there's a way," said Zeus excitedly.

"But, Zeus," replied Hades, "See those sharp claws, they'll mess up the floor."

"The floor is already scratched up," replied Zeus. "Nobody will notice."

"Okay," said Hades, who was disappointed. He was covered in sweat and shivering in fear of The Cat. Unlike Hades, Zeus actually liked The Cat because it was interesting and could destroy things.

Once they reached the Underworld, Zeus and Hades realized how small the opening to the Underworld was.

"Opano Potene," said Zeus and the opening suddenly grew bigger.

"Hummpf, showoff," whispered Hades under his breath.

"What was that?" asked Zeus angrily.

"Nothing," said Hades.


"Huh. This is taking a while. Omopo glufo," said Hades proudly. The road became shorter and they quickly neared the entrance.

"Finally," said Zeus as if it had taken forever.

When they arrived in the Underworld, they saw that things had gotten worse. The monster had started eating some of the souls and had scared off Cerberus, the guardian of the Underworld. Even the Erinyes couldn't stop Ed's monster. Then in a wink of an eye, The Cat was off to work.

First, it caught the monster and balled it up. The monster then struggled free and lashed out at The Cat, but the Cat swiftly balled him up again, this time with its claws. Then as quick as lightning it ran up to the entrance to the Underworld and hurled it across the sky into the area of water that we now call the Bermuda Triangle. The next thing The Cat did wasn't as mean. The Cat first dug its claws into the wall and pulled it open, forming another room. Then, it grabbed Ed and placed him in there with nothing and sealed the room up. The Cat gave Hades the special key to the room.

The final thing The Cat did was truly the best. The Cat quickly went outside, grabbed 80 trees, carved them down to wooden planks, and nailed them down on the floor of the Underworld, forming a new, majestic wooden floor.

Afterward, Zeus took The Cat back to Mount Olympus after saying good-bye to everybody in the Underworld. On Olympus, the gods held a ceremony for The Cat and its bravery. Zeus then gave the Cat a medal of honor and a special place with the gods. The Cat was made the Royal Guardian of the earth. Never again did anybody make trouble in the Underworld.

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