Sunday, December 30, 2007

Bright lights and Black

All of the following is fiction!

One day in the house of the cats, Black was asleep in his bed. At that moment, Tiny came racing through the house shouting ''Happy New Year's Eve." Black woke up and looked around. Tiny was there in front of him holding giant, blue flowers. "What are you doing," asked Black. "I am giving out New Year's Eve flowers to everybody," said Tiny. "What are New Year's Eve flowers," asked Black. " I don't know, I just made it up, said Tiny. Here take one." "Thanks,"said Black. "Just wait till to night, said Tiny. That is when we are going to shoot off fireworks." " Neat I never did that before,"said Black. " You haven't, exclaimed Tiny. O.M.G. (oh my gosh). Are you serious." "Yep," said Black. "Well come on lets start now,'' said Tiny excitedly. Then she pulled Black outside.

"The first thing that we are going to do is get the fire work positioned, said Tiny. Then you light it just like this." Then suddenly as she said that it shot into the air and it blew up in many colors. "WOW, said Black. May I try?" "Sure, said Tiny. Here this one is already positioned." Then Black lit the fire work with the lighter. Then it went up into the air. The only thing wrong with his was that he was going up with it because he had forgotten to let go. He had to think fast so he wouldn't get blown up. That second he got an idea. He pulled out the flower that Tiny had given him and let go of the firework. He was using it as a parachute. When he got to the ground Tiny raced up to him. " Are you o.k," she asked. " Not until I get a nice long nap," said Black.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Mystery of the Missing Butter

All of the following is fiction!

One day in the cats' house, Fuzz was content. She
didn't know why. It was just that today was a happy day. She thought that nothing could spoil her happiness. But she was wrong.
She was under the sofa just like always. But then Tiny came running under the sofa shouting "thief."
"Where," asked Fuzz. "Don't play dumb with me," said Tiny. "You know that you stole the butter." No I didn't," protested Fuzz. "But you are the only one who likes butter," said Tiny. "Then somebody must be trying to make it look like I took the butter," said Fuzz." But who doesn't like you?," asked Tiny. "You are so nice." "I know who does," said Fuzz. "Who and why"asked Tiny. "Feathers," said Fuzz. "He doesn't like me because once when he made a mean joke about my tail I got angry and tried to scratch him. He has been trying to get back at me ever since then." "He must be mean,"said Tiny. He is," said Fuzz. "Come on. Let's not waste any time and go get the butter back, '' said Tiny.
Then they when outside. "Look there he is,"said Tiny. "Lets go up the tree and follow him,"said Fuzz. "Over there is the butter," said Tiny. "You grab the butter ,"said Fuzz. "I'll keep a look out." " Have the butter. Now lets get out before he finds out it is gone,'' said Tiny. They raced down the tree without making a sound and went into the house. "Do you want some to celebrate our victory?'' asked Tiny . "No thanks , all I need is a long nap," said Fuzz.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Snowshoe's Adventure

All of the following is Fiction.

"Yawn'', said Snowshoe sleepily. He had just woken up from his afternoon nap and he was ready for lunch. As he walked into the kitchen he saw Tiny leaving. "That is strange", he said to himself,'' she usually doesn't go outside until 3:00. Maybe I can follow her and see where she goes." So he went outside . He looked around and didn't see Tiny anywhere. Suddenly Tiny jumped out from behind him. "Ah!'' snowshoe shouted. ''Why did you do that?'' he asked . ''To teach you not to follow people," Tiny said. "Where were you going,and you usually go outside at 3:00," Snowshoe said . " I was going to climb my tree" said Tiny. "And F.Y.I. ( for your information) I always go out here now, you just never see me." " Can I come with you I have never climbed a tree before." said Snowshoe. "Why didn't you say so, come on!'' said Tiny excitedly.

Tiny raced off to the tree. "First let me teach you how to jump onto the tree." said Tiny. "You just jump and lock your claws into the tree." "O.k. I'll try." said Snowshoe. He did just what Tiny told him and he was up in no time. "Now," said Tiny,"we have to grab the tree and pull our selves up." "O.k. " said Snowshoe. Just then he realized he was on a loose branch. It began to crack. "Tiny, what do I do!" yelled Snowshoe." "Try to jump to the nearest branch." Tiny called back. Now
Snowshoe was really scared. There were no close branches, because he was at the top of the tree. Then the branch broke and he fell. "HELP!!!" he cried. Suddenly he woke up. Then he realized it was all a dream.

Monday, December 17, 2007

C.D. And The Dog-o-maker

Cation: Please note that all of the following is fiction!

One day in the secret lab of C.D. something evil was going on. " Yes, I did it", C.D. said. " I have just made the first ever Dog -o -maker." " What is that?", asked his henchman Oscar. " Silly dog," said C.D. "This makes cats into dogs"! "Who are you going to use it on?", asked Oscar. "What is this Jeopardy?!"yelled C.D. "Sorry", said Oscar softly. '' I am going to get back at Tiny for taking over my other secret lab",said C.D. It was true. Tiny had taken over the lab but because C.D. had destroyed her house! "It is time",said C.D. "Time for dinner!!",Oscar asked excitedly. " NO!'',said C.D.
"It is now time for my evil plan!''

At super Tiny's house Tiny was sleeping quietly. Abruptly she wake up. She had hear a crash. She used her x-ray vision to see through the walls. She saw that C.D. and Oscar with the Dog-o-maker. She realized what they were going to do. So see called in back-up which were Snowshoe, Black,and Fuzzy. They arrived in one second. They had used the side door so C.D. and Oscar wouldn't see them. Soon they realized what was going to happen. Suddenly C.D. and Oscar busted through the door." Now there are going to be more dogs." said C.D. in a evil tone. Tiny shouted run!!! They ran to the litter box. Then Tiny got an idea. " O.k. you have us evil mutts, now what are you going to do with us'', Tiny asked. " Well first.........", C.D. went on and on because when he had an evil plan to tell he kept going and going. " And finally I am going to turn you all into dogs!",C.D. said. " Wait you forgot to add this in your boring old story.'' said Tiny as she tipped the litter box over and trapping them inside of it. Then she slid the litter box ,while keeping C.D. and Oscar inside, to the trash can. She through them in the trash can and tided them up in the bag. All the cats cheered and then through a party to celebrate their victory. The next week Tiny caught a glimpse of a garbage bag in the dump that was moving around and that had eight dog arms sticking out of it.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Black/ Fuzz


This is my cat Black. He is very nice. At night if you wake up he will be there to comfort you.
Black is extremely fat. when ever I pick him up he weighs me down like he was made out of lead. I am trying to get him to exercise but he is lazy and sleeps all day.
Some days when I wait for the bus to come Black is out there with me. He doesn't come all the way out because he is scared of cars.When ever I am sad Black is always there rubbing up against me.
His best cat friend is Fuzz. He likes fuzz because she is always calm. ( Except when a person is in the room.)
Black's favorite food is chick peas.I do not know why. One day I was eating some and he walked up to them and the next thing I know he was licking them.
The only time Black ever plays is when something is annoying him. For example if someone poked him with a stick he start swinging his paw at it or start chewing it.Black also plays with Tiny. Tiny will try to pouch on him He will turn around and lightly swing at the kitten. Then Tiny will get up and bating at his tail etc.
This is Black!


This is Fuzz. Sometimes we call her Fuzzy. We named her that because it was the only thing that fit. When she was very little she broke her tail. So the doctor had to cut it off.
Fuzz's favorite thing to do is go under our sofa in the den. Any time you are looking for her she will usually be under there. The reason she hides under there is because she is always scared. She rarely comes out .
The main reason she comes out is for her favorite food, butter. When ever you pop the taster oven Fuzz will come running in there, because she thinks I am making toast. And I always put butter on my toast.
Fuzzy barely ever goes outside but one time she when and we couldn't find her for hours. Finally we fond her she had gone to our neighbor's backyard.
This is my cat Fuzz.


This is my kitten Tiny. She is very frisky. She loves to go outside. One time when I let her go outside she started to climb a tree. Soon she was at the very top of the tree. I was so scared it looked like she was going to fall. I ran to get my mom she came out. I tried to climb up where she was but it was too hard and I was no where near the top. Tiny didn't know how to get down. She tried going down head first but it didn't work. We were all scared. Finally Tiny discovered a way to get down by going sideways. We were all happy.
Her best friend is Black. Snowshoe is mean to her. Fuzz doesn't see her often because she is always scared . And C.D. whats to chase her.

Tiny usually is very nice but she can play rough
t.You can not sleep with her in your bed. At least 5 times a night she wakes me up. And it is hard to go to sleep with her. In the night if she sees your foot move she will pouch on it quicker then you can say flap-jack. In the day she mostly sleeps. That time she will play nicely. Her favorite toy is her mouse. She likes to run up and pouch on it. Then she will roll on her back chew it.
Sometimes Tiny will suck on your finger or nose. I don't know why. Maybe I tastes good.
That is my cat Tiny.


This is my cat Snowshoe. I talked a little about him in the last entry. He is a very strange cat.
His favorite food is cantaloupe. And after you wash your hands he will go up and lick the soap. YUCK! One time when I was little I saw him do
that. I got the idea that I was missing out on something big so I tried it. After that I never did anything snowshoe did again.
When Snowshoe plays he really fights. The cat he us
ually fights with is Black. You know that he is about to fight is that he starts being nice and licking Black on the ear. Then he starts to bit. (The only time he will keep on licking is if he knows someone is looking.) After he starts biting Black tries to stop him. Then Snowshoe tries to get on top of him. The fighting finally stops when a person walks in the room.
When Snowshoe is calm he is very nice. He will purr and purr. Then he will give you a nice lick and curl up in your lap or beside you. If he likes you a lot he will curl up on your bed and sleep with you all night long.
His only enemies are C.D. ( Crazy Dog) and Tiny. C.D. is my dog and Tiny is my kitten. He doesn't like C.D. because she tries to devour him. He does
n't like Tiny because she annoys him. For example Tiny walks up to him and tries to play with him. He never wants to so he hisses and walks away.
That is my cat Snowshoe.

Crazy Dog

This is my dog. She is 2 years old. My mom doesn't want me to tell her name so from now on I will call her Crazy Dog (C.D. for short).Because we also have a kitten she has to stay outside.
C.D.'s favorite thing to do is go on walks. She likes it so much she knows what the word means. Any time we say it she will come racing to the door. An other one of C.D.'s favorite activities is going in the car to see her dog friends Chloe and Einstein. We do not know breed she is so we call her mutt. All we know is she is smart, hyper, and smiles (most of the time).
The only time C.D. doesn't smile is when she is taking a bath. She hates bathes. When I try to bring her into the bathroom she know what is going to happen. She tries to wiggle out of my arms and go free. But I never let her. When I set her in the tub with all the water her tall goes under her body. I bet if dogs had tears C.D. would the tub overflow with salt water. When the bath is over and she is half-way dry, she runs into my room and rolls on my bed. It takes a long time to get her out, But by that time my bed is soaked.
Like most dogs C.D. loves people food. When we eat outside C.D. will jump on you and beg for food. If you give her one peace she soon would be coming back for more and more.

I also have 4 cats. They all loathe C.D. This one's name is Snowshoe because that is the kind of cat he is. When ever they see each other Snowshoe hisses and runs away and C.D. barks and runs after him.
Finally we have to separate them but it is harder than it sounds. Snowshoe won't let you touch him because he is so scared. And when C.D. gets hyper there is no stopping her. But sometimes they both get tired and they stop.
This is my first blog entry ever and I hope you enjoy it.