Sunday, December 16, 2007

Crazy Dog

This is my dog. She is 2 years old. My mom doesn't want me to tell her name so from now on I will call her Crazy Dog (C.D. for short).Because we also have a kitten she has to stay outside.
C.D.'s favorite thing to do is go on walks. She likes it so much she knows what the word means. Any time we say it she will come racing to the door. An other one of C.D.'s favorite activities is going in the car to see her dog friends Chloe and Einstein. We do not know breed she is so we call her mutt. All we know is she is smart, hyper, and smiles (most of the time).
The only time C.D. doesn't smile is when she is taking a bath. She hates bathes. When I try to bring her into the bathroom she know what is going to happen. She tries to wiggle out of my arms and go free. But I never let her. When I set her in the tub with all the water her tall goes under her body. I bet if dogs had tears C.D. would the tub overflow with salt water. When the bath is over and she is half-way dry, she runs into my room and rolls on my bed. It takes a long time to get her out, But by that time my bed is soaked.
Like most dogs C.D. loves people food. When we eat outside C.D. will jump on you and beg for food. If you give her one peace she soon would be coming back for more and more.

I also have 4 cats. They all loathe C.D. This one's name is Snowshoe because that is the kind of cat he is. When ever they see each other Snowshoe hisses and runs away and C.D. barks and runs after him.
Finally we have to separate them but it is harder than it sounds. Snowshoe won't let you touch him because he is so scared. And when C.D. gets hyper there is no stopping her. But sometimes they both get tired and they stop.
This is my first blog entry ever and I hope you enjoy it.


Susan Voisin said...

I am so proud of you! This is the best first blog entry I have ever read (and I have read a lot). I can't wait for more. Good job!

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