Sunday, December 16, 2007

Black/ Fuzz


This is my cat Black. He is very nice. At night if you wake up he will be there to comfort you.
Black is extremely fat. when ever I pick him up he weighs me down like he was made out of lead. I am trying to get him to exercise but he is lazy and sleeps all day.
Some days when I wait for the bus to come Black is out there with me. He doesn't come all the way out because he is scared of cars.When ever I am sad Black is always there rubbing up against me.
His best cat friend is Fuzz. He likes fuzz because she is always calm. ( Except when a person is in the room.)
Black's favorite food is chick peas.I do not know why. One day I was eating some and he walked up to them and the next thing I know he was licking them.
The only time Black ever plays is when something is annoying him. For example if someone poked him with a stick he start swinging his paw at it or start chewing it.Black also plays with Tiny. Tiny will try to pouch on him He will turn around and lightly swing at the kitten. Then Tiny will get up and bating at his tail etc.
This is Black!


This is Fuzz. Sometimes we call her Fuzzy. We named her that because it was the only thing that fit. When she was very little she broke her tail. So the doctor had to cut it off.
Fuzz's favorite thing to do is go under our sofa in the den. Any time you are looking for her she will usually be under there. The reason she hides under there is because she is always scared. She rarely comes out .
The main reason she comes out is for her favorite food, butter. When ever you pop the taster oven Fuzz will come running in there, because she thinks I am making toast. And I always put butter on my toast.
Fuzzy barely ever goes outside but one time she when and we couldn't find her for hours. Finally we fond her she had gone to our neighbor's backyard.
This is my cat Fuzz.

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